How does a laser scan work?

I think many people have the same question, how does it exactly work? Especially how does it make a mold for the design scanned?

a laser scan takes a 3D photograph of an image. normally you would use a platter to place your object on that either rotates via a motor, or is manually rotated. The laser can either be a fixed to a apparatus or can be a hand held scanning gun. you scan the item in a way that is similar to spray painting, that digitally loads it to a editing software to be manipulated via engineering. From there, edits can be made and then printed. Printing is the easiest part of the process, The scanners are generally the most expensive part, as with anything, quality has a price tag, and finding a good engineer that can make the alterations to the image comes with a price tag too. Hope I answered your questions.

Lol, you’re only 10 years late. But hey at least i got some knowledge out of it.

Better late than never!