Heres something I dont think Ive seen on this site before…

How many Myers masks did you have to buy until you found your own personal “grail”?

And what were the masks?

If you havent found your “grail” yet, whats your favorite mask?

Here is my list:

#1 Some mass produced piece of crap I had atleast 10 years ago, I’m not sure exactly what Myers mask it was, it rotted away.

#2 A badly repainted St.Nick (misleading ebay ad, I didnt know it was repainted) I overpaid for it too ($330) Thats before I knew about this site.

#3 A new St.Nick from Terry


and finally #5, my grail… the Deluxe Kirk Hero Shape JC/NAG H78 :laughing:

So I went through 4 masks before I found what I was really looking for, what about you guys?


And what the hell, post a pic too!

A 2004 Don Post Studios Mask.

still have not got it yet
and I have had at least 15-20 H1 masks
right now the closest I have is a Nag H78(there is just something off about it)

if I can get my hands on a NAG/JC H78 I’ll be good
heres the H78 I have now

That’s still a cool mask man!Love the H78! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool thread!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I started with…

CS Resurrection (mass produced)
CGP Nemesis
“The Boogeyman” (conversion of a BMM Boogeyman Version 1 blank by a member here…)
CGP St. Nick
NAG Screenused H-1
CS Economy Myers
CS Myers (that with the “tall man” hairjob… :unamused:)
CS Resurrection (1 of 1000)
NO Maniac
KR Haddonfield Slasher
DP 2003 2x
MCS 88’ Foreshadow
NAG H-78 deluxe
Lee Romaire Second Stab
CGP Warlock
NAG Cover mask
NAG/CGP 30th anniversary mask
NAG cover mask H-1 style

But just ONE holy grail???
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Impossible to choose the best…

I wish I could make a list, but I’ve gone through so many masks I can’t rremember them all! :laughing: As some of you know I am a notorious trader :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s see, a DP 06, a DP 08 then a Madman78, then a Nightmare then 2 DP '99’s which I’ve just sold one, so I think I’m set for now. It is my grail until I can find something better. :slight_smile:

we are exactly alike, it seems i trade every 3 days, lol, if i snapped some collection pics a month ago, and now…you will see, that my collection has literally completely changed, lol, i actually forget some masks ive owned :laughing:

Since 2001, I have owned almost 300 various Myers masks. There was a time when I would buy 30-40 a year and I was never happy… buy/sell, buy/sell, trade, etc.

Now (9 years later) I have a void filled with my NAG/AHG Nightmare that I haired. It’s very close to what I feel the Hero looked like and it would take a crazy offer for me to ever sell.

I’m still awaiting the Hoffman/Medley Kirk and Myers… and I have a feeling these really be the grails I’ve been waiting on w/ the right touch. But one can only hope!


#1 - Mass produced Don Post
#2 - St.Nick
#3 - NAG/AHG H78 #3
#4 - (Grail) AHG Nightmare #3

dp 06
some crappy thing called a slasher75
ncs killing machine
ncs nemesis
nag madman78
nag h78 #1
2 nag mcs
nag msp h78 kirk conversion
cgp st nick
hss h4
these have all been traded or sold within the last year or so,my nag/ahg h78,99 nmm78r and psycho pretty much ended the search for my perfect mask

bmm boogeyman75
cbk hiro
08 psycho
08 butcher

Nice grails everyone! Thanks for joining in.

And man Chad, 300!? Holy smokes man! :laughing:

Cool thread. Unfortunately I’ve bought so many masks getting to my “grails” that it would take a couple of pages to list!! So I’ll just say I bought/sold/traded MANY MANY masks to get to the current grails in my collection now which are:

H1 - DB2 Kirk converted by Colin Mayne and with eyecuts by James Carter
H2 - KH Gold Signature #4 … for now? :open_mouth:
H5 - SSN Don Shanks version 1, this copy was to be presented to Shanks himself at a con but he never showed!
H6 - Brad Hardin Six (trade under way so I should receive it soon)
H8 - Cinema Secrets Special Edition, 1 of 15 made for the movie.
H10 - Casey’s PsychopatH2 - very extra detailed paintup and I did the “under flesh” which turned out (imo) fantastic!!

I have good representations for each of the other movies as well but these are the ones I consider to be my grails.

Yes mon, I guess I should be grateful that I hooked my grail so early on.

I have a lot of beautiful masks but last year I bought SSN Skull!!

My Myers Grail would be The Butcher.

hmm this is kinda a tough one considering i only collect H1 masks and have several that i absolutely love.
my first mask was a Don post which i bought in 96 and still have.
12 long years later i bought a Maniac recast off ebay.
my 3rd mask was where my collection and obsession started, i bought my 1st H78 from NAG. (i was floored, still have and love the mask)
after i found this site, it was unreal, so many interpretations of my Hero i couldnt believe my eyes, i wanted to touch them all!!!
shortly after i got a Haddonfield slasher, which is a very cool mask but i found my H78 was better to my taste.
5th mask was the NAG screenused H1. i still love this mask, has an amazing worn look to it.
after that i was hooked and in search of the ‘perfect’ mask. (tip to any new members experiencing the same thing, there is no such thing as the perfect mask, you can quite buying everything you can get your hands on :wink: )
skipping on down the line, i guess it was when i recieved my NAG/AHG H78 that a had a true sence of my ‘grail’. and still is and will always be a front runner for head of my collection.
so i guess it took about 9 masks before i found my 1st grail. yet since then i have gotten a psycho, NMM78, Second Stab, an H4 cover mask and they are all phenominal and i wouldnt part with them unless i was starving.
honestly since i got it, ive been unvailing and stairing at my NMM78 more than any of them. ofcourse a ‘grail’ is all in the eye of the mask holder :wink:

  1. UNTAMED by chris morgan… awesome mask still felt like i needed another H6

  2. Raining Red by chris morgan… even better than the UNTAMED but still a few things seemed off on the mold… got picky and needed another H6

FINALLY got my RAINING RED VERSION 2 by chris morgan on the way… I think i finally got the perfect H6 for me. It fixed a few of the things i didnt care for and was anal about on the V1. I cant find a flaw on this thing, and i LOVE the synthetic human hair with fur backing.

With myers masks, I’m incredibly picky. so unless a mask is damn near perfect, I won’t even bother. I haven’t owned nearly as many Myers as many of you here, but that’s because I don’t see the point in buying a mask unless it’s the best I can get. So when the opportunity does come that I see a great mask, I pick it up.

As of now, the only Myers I own are all cast from movie masks. (a H5 from Tommy, BH h6, and a deluxe CS Resurrection mask) Those masks are easy for me to give in to because they are casted from movie masks. When it comes to earlier film masks, like 1-4, there are no “cast from original movie mask” masks, so it’s harder for me to be pleased with many replicas that are made.

The closest I’ve seen anyone come to the 1-2 mask are easily Nik’s sculpts with Jame’s finishing work. (the KH is in the list too) I don’t see how it can get much better than those, and I’d be GLAD to own a mask worked by James. As for the h4’s, I’d say Sam’s sculpt is gonna be tops for a while. Especially with the right finishing work…

So to make my long rambling short, it hasn’t and won’t take me many masks to reach my holy grail. because I’ve always known what is accurate and what isn’t. Until (in my eyes) the perfect replica comes around of a specific mask, I patiently wait until it does.

Sorry if that doesn’t make much sense.

The masks I’ve owned:

Phantom - was my favorite
H9 Madman - not really a fan of the look
Psychopath H2 - I’ve learned to look past what I hate, and is now my one and only mask.


Great thread Jack…I cant even begin to say how many I have been through…Im 27 yrs old and have been on a search ever since I saw “Halloween” back when I was a kid…For as long as I can remember I have been trying to find the perfect mask…Starting off with DP’s in the 80’s…Many other mass produced DP’s over the years along with other crappy myers mask that you would see in Halloween stores back in the day…Back when I was a kid and im sure alot of you can vouch for this, Halloween stores were alot better and had more mask…Myers mask were not always DP’s but rather other cheapo’s…Then as the web came about and became more popular I started discovering Indie mask…Through web searches and ebay I think ive owned just about every decent indie mask at some point or another…I cant even name them all…First seeing MMP’s mask, Nightowl’s and a few few others I was blown away…The score of my first Psycho I thought that was it…Way before I even became a member on this site I owned a dozen indie mask…Hell I remember when I scored my first Damnation from MMP I thought it was one of the best mask I would ever own…So to make a long story short I have been through dozens in the past 20 yrs till I scored my NAg/AHG H78…That is my grail but could change here very soon…I have owned so many I cant name them all or tell you how many I have been through…All I know is that my H78 has given me a feeling of “Hero” that no other mask really ever has in a long 20 year search…It is my grail and I love it…Later guys