6 now…and the 6th was in another town and WOW the picture quality was way way way way way better it was like seeing it for the first time
8 times for me. .
hands down. . WAY better than the remake. .
now im a man of sophisticated tastes. . i love independent art films, indie films etc. . all my friends cannot grasp how i love Halloween so much. . but i do!
THIS FILM is for me one of the best in the whole series IMO. . I love the dream sequences. . and ya know what. . i thought id cringe at the mom and white horse. . to be honest. . but HELL ITS ONE OF THE MAIN THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THE FILM. .
I saw it once. I paid for FD3D and walked into a half empty theater in St Louis, Mo. on opening night. It’s now only shown two times a day (7 and 10:30) only two weeks after it opened, yet FD3D is still shown 5 times in 3D and 3 times in 2D. It will be gone next weekend. It puts it about on par with Trickortreatmotherfucker…the one everyone loves to hate (before this one). But if you really do the math it fails on so many levels compared to even that rap star edition. It’s pretty pathetic, and I am convinced it’s only the people on this site that are actually going to see it. Break it down…like it’s yesterday and all…
3,088 theaters showing this crap
It made $412,000 give or take
$133 per screen average (that’s what it works out to)
Let’s take that total divided by a padded (to your favor) $6 ticket price (matinee and regular)…
That means about 22 people (based on that padded number) per theater paid to see it legitimately yesterday.
Deusexmachina222 I agree with you totally about the dream sequences and the mother/white horse, it’s wicked. I can’t believe how many people dislike this movie and want just the same old shit redone over and over, Rob did a great job and I feel this movie will get a cult following, I’ve seen it 9 times and plan on seeing it atleast another 7-8 times before it’s out of the theaters.
agree, the same o shit just makes me sick. rz done a kickass job of making myers new and fresh. i think the hobo myers kicks solid ass and takes no prisoners. hell yeah H2 kicks ass baby!!!
So, only good films are supported by the public? Do you base your preferences for movies by their popular reception? If so, then you must be a big fan of the movie Titanic.
While this is a thread directed at theater attendance, it is specifically aimed at those who’ve enjoyed it so much they’ve attended multiple screenings.
Actually, I do like the movie Titanic. James Cameron is actually a very talented director. And my point is that this will be out of theaters in 22 days. That’s the sign of a bad film!!
my point is that this will be out of theaters in 22 days. That’s the sign of a bad film!!
I would agrue that is a sign of a movie not initially well received by the public. Many films that “flopped” in the theaters went on to be recognized as classics.
It’s a Wonderful Life.
Blade Runner.
A Christmas Story.
Evil Dead 2.
Bad movies?
waaa waaa waaaa if you dont like it stay away from posts that are intended for people who like the film, are you that pathetic that you need to cry about this movie on every post there is?
still haven’t seen it… might go next week. maybe.
Well, I hope you haven’t read too much here. This is the last placee I’d be if I hadn’t seen the movie!
I’ve only seen it once but I’m planning on seeing it again either this weekend or next weekend.
Edit: I’d best get a move on either this weekend or the next if I want to see it again judging by how quickly it’s leaving theaters…
one was plenty for me. what a nightmare!
just saw it for the 10th time at a 10:40 showing there was 11 people in the crowd including myself, was a good reaction to the film, I love the visuals in the movie, something about this film has me loving it as my fav Halloween movie ever.
I saw it once and enjoyed it enough to pick up the Blu-Ray when it is released. I think the last movie I saw in the theater more than once was Spider-Man 2. I probably saw Scream five or six times in the theater, but that was when I was in college and didn’t have a wife or kids.
My wife would probably kick me in the pills if I ever saw the same movie 8-10 times.
7 and lucky # 7 was my first private screening lol guess i’ll have to make it quick if i want to reach my goal of 10 before it gets the boot…now the people at the theater really think i’m a freak lol hmmmm should i wera a mask for #8?
8 now and no i didnt were a mask i’m not that nuts lol
8 now and no i didnt were a mask i’m not that nuts lol
Wow! You really liked H2! I’m going to check it out again while on my business trip this week, but that will only be twice for me.
checked out all the toys, memorabilia, and masks.
Stay clear of the mask Spirit stores are selling, it’s horrible. As for the toys, I can’t wait to see Hobo Myers! No word on a release date yet.
i seen a myers mask at Wal Mart, it lights up. wtf! lol!
i’ve seen H2 7 times myself.