How to bloody a knife?

Im thinking of putting blood on my sexy JC knife… a little apprehensive about it. Im going to attach a pic of the blood i have. I was going to put some on the tops of my hands figured it may look weird having it on hands and not knife. Any tips? On how it should look?

Hey man, rubber cement or leather glue with universal tint to give it the dark red/burgandy color looks sick! Peels right off after you’re done too :wink:


I think i may go and look for those items tomorrow… can you find both at say a Meijer?

You should be able to find those at someplace like that. Or Menards, Lowes.

Also I have some Cinema Secrets Gel blood that looks awesome and stays wet looking, and also a little wet!!

a great thick blood mix I use is corn syrup and food coloring. When your done mixing it. Pour a thin bit of it on a plate and set it under a light or let it airdruy for a day. it’s turns very thick and maintains a wet look, but doesnt run. Great stuff!
