How to get your copy of RETURN OF THE SANDMAN B4 Halloween

Everybody has def put alot of time into the movie on and off the set i promise that lol. Also from being on set it already has shaped up and has a better look and film than well every body know what other halloween film. :laughing: Ron has done a great job directing and producing this movie.

Thank you everybody hope you enjoy
The Shape. :axe:

Ill send over my info now and send out the rest in a couple of days.

Thanks Shape :open_mouth: You’ve done a pretty good job too man! :smiley:

I’m sending an email, this looks awesome.

Hey Ron, any way you could have a DVD Torrent up or something (like on Mininova) for us that are outside the U.S.? It would be a great way for folks like me to simply download it that way, and you wouldn’t have to ship it out here.

Yes we’re working on that for sure :slight_smile:

Emain sent and waiting :smiley: :axe:

thank you so much for keeping up to date on this! Very nice of the crew and cast to do this for everyone. I will be emailing you shortly!

Sweet…Good luck with the rest of your production!

Okay I have bumped this for everyone who missed it the first time around

Thanks for the bump, Ron! I had missed this the first time around.

Thanks for reposting this Ron… I missed it the first time as well.
I definately gotta see this movie!! :smiley: Thanks again…

no problem

That would be great man!


I had seen this before but fooled aroun and lost it lol. I am glad you bumped it brother! Sending my info in just a bit.

Thanks again Ron