HSS 75 Kirk project a go

Just wanted to let everyone know I’m headed for NY in 2 weeks to start on the 75 Kirk project.
This is a definite go.
Those of you that PMed me have been put on the list. Thank you for your interest.
It will come in 2 sizes and a 3rd version will be a copy of George L’s Pristine 75 Kirk.

are any of those come in extra large size if so i want one

Any idea on pricing yet Sam?

Awesome Awesome Awesome! :rock:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:



JIM :rock:

Pricing will be very affordable…and yes Ben there will be a large version.


I don’t understand, “a 3rd version will be a copy of George L’s Pristine 75 Kirk.”

As in, attempting to replica his copy? Or a casting from his copy?

No castings…a side by side sculpt…that will mimic the way it looks in that pic… the other 2 will be wearable

Awesome Sam! Will these be limited?

The wearble versions will not…haven’t decided on the display version.

Sam you do excellent, EXCELLENT work my friend! Glad to hear there will be a larger size. Nice pic!
Keep up the good work. :rock:

Awesome news Sam, can’t wait man! :rock:


Put me on the list Sam!

Good luck on the project Sam.
Can’t wait to see this one finished.

Good Luck Sam! :wink:

oh, thank god, i’ll need time to gather up some dough, lol! :smiley:

Put me on the list for the wearable my friend. :drinkers:

I’m on your list. And it’s not my style to commit to buy something that I haven’t seen first. Knock this project out of the park man. :wink: I wish you tons of luck bro! :smiley: