Hey Guys,
Looking into purchasing a good H9 or H2Z. I have seen HSS H9 and it is probably the closest I have seen to being screen accurate as well as a fantastic looking piece of artistry but just got turned onto the Propshop’s PyschopatH2 which is equally impressive. I know neither are a Dela Torre Diablo (which is a wicked mask) but which one in your opinion is the better mask? I don’t want either shops to see this and feel as though I am trying to start drama or competition. I just wanna know what the opinions of MMNet members are on each mask because I am having a heck of a time deciding. Thanks Guys

well there all cool for diff reasons
I would go with eather then HSS or NIKs new one
I know that the HSS one comes in diff sizes to better fit you

i got HSS H9 , HSS H9 Clean and soon HSS H9 with new painting extra large and love em also sam always keeps in touch with you

pyschopath are amazing too

HSS all the way man. Sam’s work is killer :drinkers:

hers a shot of both are large size might help you to choose which one you want

heres some pics with my wifes cell phone since my cam sucks real bad lol

some pics if you havent order your H9 lol