I understand what you’re saying about it looking pissed off. There are a couple of issues I’m working on to change that. The position of the eyes and the head is adding to that effect. When you see this head in person there is no doubt that it’s Donald Pleasance. I’m also thinning out the beard a bit more and adding more gray.
no Carlos i didnt say it was a Doc, i said it wasnt as accurate as the Doc.
i remember when Sam first mentioned this project something was said about it being a Lee Romaire sculpt.
it still looks really good though. looking forward to seeing any additions you do to it Sam
Romaire and his crew worked on this off and on for roughly a year. I do agree the accuracy of the sculpt is a tad off but it does look more accurate in person than the previous Doctor bust as I’ve owned a few of those as well.
Great job on the paint work Sam!
Like I said I knew more gray in the beard and hair would set it off.I would like to see the skin a little paler…Like you envision an older guys skin being.Its a little tanish right now.Wonderful job though sam.A little tweaking and he will be on the money bro.