hey here is the HSS Tramer I converted to an H1/H2
let me know what you think
or did I mess it up?? :frowning:


that’s a very nice mask
looks very H1


That acually looks great :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Very nice!!

im getin a nice warlock vibe from that!!

i always wondered why i haven seen anyone do this before, it looks awesome man

thanks guys
yeah when I got him out of the box
I was like
YEP I know what I’m doing :smiley:

dude you should be proud of what you did that looks awsome i’m definetly getting a warlock vibe from
that you did a great job.

I would have kept it a Tramer. :confused:

I was really never into the Tramer mask :open_mouth:

looks very good

That’s a great looking mask. Too bad it’s not in the classifieds!

I love it! The mask just screams H2, Nice work!

thanks man
HAHAHAHA not shure if he will ever make it there
but you never know

Looks great to me brandon. :wink:

oh yeah, lol, very nice man, has a great h2 look to it! especially the eyes, they look just like the real thing. that is an awesome conversion man! :smiley:

I think you did a great job on it!!! nice work.

good job man, you did the right thing. honestly that was a teribbly haired tramer. it looked like a big wad of cotton glued to the head.
ive never been a fan of a ‘tramer’ style masks either, however if the hair would have looked decesnt i maight have considered keeping it as is.

yeah he looked like a Qtip LOL