You’re right. I was watching it tonight and it’s just gotten better to me. It still has it’s opportunities but I kind of dig zombie’s super gritty atmosphere
I’m kind of in the middle.
One one point we have a gritty dark retelling of the original that’s more sadder with the family aspect and has a more aggressive violent Myers that is pretty cool, and the other has a kickass synth soundtrack from Carpenter himself with the closest Myers we’re gonna get to the original in terms of movies along with Jamie Lee nailing her part as an old badass Laurie again. It’s a tough choice for me. It’s your opinion and I’m not gonna crucify you for it like some people would
Haha… there sure is a lot of screaming!! Lol and swearing lol. I guess it really depends on what a person likes about these movies that determines which they like more. They honestly all have good and bad points… except the first one. That one is flawless. The original H2 is pretty damn good too
I have never liked the RZ movies, but I can at least get through his H1…his H2 I absolutely loathe. Anyway, I heard someone recently bring up a good point that I have never thought about…a lot of what plagues Rob’s movies is his terrible writing, but his directing on the other hand is a whole other ballgame. Basically, let someone else write his movies, but let him bring his cinematography and grittiness to it, minus the white trash setting and constant needless swearing…and you MIGHT just have a pretty decent Halloween remake on your hands.
I feel like H40 had better story and characterization but Rob Zombie was a better storyteller. Maybe it’s because Rob wrote it himself but I feel that he just told his story with a better narrative structure.
I don’t. Not even close. The new movie while good, with a great mask, is not spectacular at all. But the Zombie movies were bad in the beginning and worse with time. I do like some Zombie movies, but not his stereotypical “white trash” Halloweens.
Some people here might know I’m a pretty big fan of the RZ films and stress that they are, in fact, better films than the majority of sequels but better than H40? I can’t see it. I’d sure love to hear your reasons, though.
Rob’s H1 was great. The older it gets the more I appreciate it as an installment in the series. What made this film good was Daeg. Lol he looked mean as hell as young Michael. The remake of Laurie’s walk to and from school was well shot also. The ending chase scene kind of dragged but honestly, that’s my only complaint. This film had the beat version of Laurie’s theme in my opinion.
Definitely not trying to cause a “shitstorm” … that sounds way worse than any swearing in a zombie movie. Here’s my take on it. Zombie’s movie, while way over the top in the trailer trash territory, just did a much better job of recapturing the stalking and Halloween atmosphere of the original movie while the new h40 felt more like terminator with Michael Myers to me. I also found the time spent with the youth gone wild interesting. There were certain points that didn’t work like exact lines of dialogue from the original being replicated in a much less effective manner and I also could have done without the after the pool stuff and all the ridiculous swearing but rob zombie is also a pretty good director when it comes to shot composition and atmosphere. The longer the time spent in the asylum with young Michael, the longer the table gets between Michael and Loomis and the shaky cam used in the truck stop bathroom scene really adds to The visceral fight between the two. H40 just had too many call back twists and nods, weird humor choices, and more of a terminator feel for my taste. Btw… if sharing an opinion causes a “shitstorm” these days… people are WAY too sensitive.
Agreed… We all have the right to voice our opinion. It’s when others try to force theirs on us that it gets stupid. The RZ stuff didn’t work for me. White-trash back story? No thanks. That’s not the boogeyman