I need to say something...

I have to say this, and believe me, I’ve been holding my breath, so to speak, for awhile now.

I remember a certain Artist bringing this up over 5 years ago, and at the time thinking ‘Get over yourself man’. But I truly know what he was getting at.

It seems that quite often lately, I, along with quite a few other Artists have been getting pm after pm after a new piece is completed, from people saying that they’re DEFINETELY buying the piece, and they’ll be paying immediately. Only to drop off the face of the earth and not bother getting the piece. Which is totally fine, except there were constant pm’s or emails stating that they were ‘ready to pay’, or ‘expect payment tonight’. Now of course, don’t get me wrong. NO ONE is obligated to buy ANYTHING. Just PLEASE stop with the emails and pm’s asking when something can be paid for, only to not only drop out, but ignore pm’s from the Artist asking weather they’re still interested or not! And then of course, these same people still post on the boards about other pieces or new scores. Totally ignorant.

Now this involves quite a few other Artists that I’m also speaking for, not just myself. Difference is, I just don’t care anymore. It’s not worth it. If you like a piece, or want to critique someones work, or even state that ‘I’d like to own that someday’, then by all means man, do it! I do it myself ALL THE TIME. What I DON’T do however, is constantly pm someone, promising to buy something, only to, in the end, just write them off. If I can’t afford something, or am not sure if I want it, the LAST thing I do is basically tell the Artist that I’m getting one 100%. I’ve seen it happen to other Artists, including myself, so you think that one would learn. It gets REALLY discouraging to Artists who create these pieces for the fans,to have a pile of people that are ‘apparently’ 100% ready to grab their new piece, only to forget about it, not have the maturity to get a hold of said Artist to say that somethings come up, or they just can’t fund the $$$ for the piece, which of course would be fine, only to get on the bandwagon, chirping about another piece on the boards that they’ll never end up getting. For all you guys, it’s honestly gotton so old now that it’s beyond ridiculous.

As far as the new H5 (BackPay) is concerned, I’m only doing 9 more and that’s it. When they’re done, the mold will be destroyed. I’m not doing 15. I have a film shooting in T.O. that I’m on board with, and I’m working on something big with someone else as far as ‘masks’ go. On top of that, I’m in the process of starting a new 'Make-Up to add to the portfolio, so I’m moving on to other things. Thanks to those who have grabbed one, and KEPT THEIR WORD. Means a lot, and you’ll be getting yours VERY soon.

And to all the Artists that have shared my feelings and have talked to me over the last year or so about this, I hope this gets the message across.


Wow, that must be really annoying. I just don’t understand people sometimes.

I have seen many artist post new work and people jump on the bandwagon saying count me in.I myself would never do this as I am a spur of the moment purchaser.One reason being sometimes I have the cash sometimes I dont.I cant believe people pm you saying they want a piece and you never hear back from them.Unreal.I myself have never pre ordered a mask.I always buy 2nd hand or by a piece if the artist has one ready.I hate the pre order thing anyway.

Andrew-thanks brother…totally needed to be said!! :rock:

That’s part of what comes with being an “Artist”, as you put it, Andrew.

At least 25 to 30 people did that “hollow interest” thing to me when I was molding the Party Crasher sculpture…You can’t try to escape or alienate people like that, because they exist in the face of any kind of sales position and hobby. People get excited over things months before they happen - and then when it comes right down to it, and the piece is finally available, they sometimes realize they either A.) can’t afford it, B.) decide it isn’t worth their time and move on to something else, or C.) get sidetracked (or knocked back in line) by life expenses.

Personally, I don’t see a point in publicly SCOLDING people for it…Surely you’ve done the same thing in the past at one time or another, right? Plus, I’m sure those people had some type of real interest, and could even be potential customers on your future projects. Being PM’d, messaged, emailed, or otherwise bothered by the “angry Artist” for an explanation or update on payment for an item that isn’t even made yet is wholly unnecessary, and comes off as rude. Insult someone, intentionally or not, and they’ll probably never do business with you…Give them the benefit of the doubt, and they might come back around later. That’s what I like to keep in mind when dealing with potential customers.




Did you even read what I posted all the way through?
Let’s get a few things straight here:

I’m talking about posting pics of a FINISHED piece. Completely done, and having people CONSTANTLY pm you saying that they’re sending payment ASAP, only to completely vanish and not hve the decency to pm or email back to say that they can no longer get the piece for whatever reason. I’m not talking about 1 pm that doesn’t follow through. God, that happens ALL the time. I’m talking about the CONSTANT pm’s from a potential customer, basically relaying that payment is being sent immediately, and to ‘hold that spot’, only for that ‘potential customer’ to just decide that they don’t want the piece, or aren’t interested anymore, which is fine, but figure it’s okay to not bother with 1 more pm to at least let the Artist know that they can no longer afford it, aren’t interested anymore, etc. THAT is what is getting ridiculous, and it’s perfectly fine to throw up a post saying so. You call it ‘scolding’, I call it ‘bringing it to those individuals attention that what they’re doing is NOT cool’. Last time I checked, there’s nothing wrong with doing that.

And for the record, I’ve NEVER told someone that I’m DEFINETELY purchasing their new mask, bust, etc., and payment is forthcoming, but I appreciate you implying that I have. :unamused: When I’m actually ready to buy something, and say I’ll be doing so, I buy it. If something comes up, I contact the Artist to let them know that I can know longer purchase what I said I would, and I give an explanation. You see, that’s the mature thing to do.

The certain individuals that seem to constantly be doing this, I really don’t want as customers, because frankly, and I speak on behalf of MANY other Artist’s here, I’m tired of playing the game. And if I showed you the pile of pm’s I received last night saying that I was right on the money with my post, and that what was said HAD to be said, you would see that I’m not the only one here. Far from it.

Oh, and as far as the comment about the Artist constantly pm’ing the customer for an explanation, where did I say that? I said that after beeing barraged about getting a piece, and then vanishing, I sometimes send a pm, and it’s 1 pm, if I even send one, sinmply asking ‘Are you still interested in the piece?’ Is there a problem with trying to touch base with someone?

I made this post because this situation has gotten WAYYYYY too common lately. That’s why I brought up the problem. So that for those that are doing this, they might read the post, and change how they deal with us Artists out there. Just asking for some respect. NOTHING wrong with that.

I think you missed the whole point of my post. To those that got it, and have replied via pm’s, I appreciate it. It had to be said, that’s all.


I feel ya bro, not responding is the best way to be put on someone’s SH*T list for sure!

It’s really gonna bite them is the ass when they want in on the next thing you do and man will that one be a MUST HAVE

Well, first of all, sorry for misunderstanding your post. I’ve experienced that exact problem as well, once from a community “Artist” I had always heard was top-class and trustworthy…This person sent promise after promise to pay for a NEWLY FINISHED piece, then all but disappeared. I personally just let it go and expected nothing to come of it. Whatever, though.

Second of all, I don’t appreciate your attitude. But you know, I guess I just don’t understand the trials and tribulations that “true Artists” like yourself experience.



Yea man this sucks for sure. I was turning down orders for the hiro when it first came out because I didn’t want to overload myself. Turns out that over half of those people were just jerkin my chain to begin with. It’s a problem for sure.

Not just with artists, happens with anyone trying to sell something. I understand the difference that you have to put effort into making the mask, but all the time I get “Dude what’s your paypal? I have the money” and then a no show for weeks and weeks until I get a response saying “sorry I’m not interested anymore”. When you think something is sold, especially when you need money for bills, etc. it is a relief, but having people but out of a deal is just frustrating. It’s definitely happened at LEAST 100 times to me in this hobby.

“Second of all, I don’t appreciate your attitude. But you know, I guess I just don’t understand the trials and tribulations that “true Artists” like yourself experience”.

That’s okay Ryan, as I didn’t appreciate the implications in your initial post, which is of course, why I responded the way I did. Don’t write something implying something about another person, or implying that this person has done something when you don’t know if they have or not, and then take offence when they respond with the same tone. Some people out there don’t put up with such implications.

Think about what you’re writing next time, as it was clear in your post that you were a little harsh. Just responded in the same manner, that’s all.

And of course, the whole ‘true artists’ like yourself’ bit just once again shows what I mean. Lose the sarcasm man. It’s old. :unamused:


He is notorious for that Andrew…good luck on your sale.

You’re preaching to the choir andrew, but I agree this extends to all fascets of the sales game in life. This happens to me all the time when I am selling antique automobiles. With regards to masks in paricular, I’ve had my NM78 proto “sold” 3 times already only to have each of the buyers/dreamers whatever you want to call them fall off the face of the earth. It is frustrating but that headache merely comes with the territory.

Simple way to remedy this problem is to create a webpage with all of the info for the item you are selling and have a paypal button or any other way for your customers to put in the orders to you. This way you don’t have to field pm’s about potential customers asking questions and what not only to back out or ninja vanish. This is a straight forward way to get the people who want to buy something the access to do so and also takes care of any and all questions people might have concerning the item being sold prior to sending payment. Work smart not hard because you know these types of pm’s get old very quickly. I agree with you 100% and know where your coming from.

I will admit I am a guilty party but not to that extreme. I know I’ve sent maybe one or two PM’s with interest about a mask and then have not sent anymore. But never, that I recall, have I ever PMed the crap out of someone up until it was time to actually buy the mask.

You’re paranoid as hell, Andrew. :laughing: I wasn’t trying to imply ANYTHING about you. I just said you probably had done that at some point because I definitely have a few times…A LOT of us here have, especially back when we were kids and couldn’t afford anything. If you’ve never done such a thing in your whole life, then YAY! Good for you! I’m sooo happy for you. I was just saying…it’s pretty common a thing to experience. People do that all over the place to many producers of art and other products, in EVERY hobby. It comes with the job, and it’s going to happen regardless of how you react to it - especially in the face of thousands of potential buyers like here on MM.net. It certainly isn’t my problem that you seem to have some seriously pent-up anger about the issue and want to post about it publicly. I was just pointing out that I feel there’s no real reason to get your feathers all ruffled over it. If you misunderstood my intentions, then I regret it for ya.

As for being harsh, I always come off as harsh - because I am. It’s my nature, and I don’t need to apologize for that.

As for Jon, HEY MODS. Is there any reason whatsoever why he’s being allowed to continually join this thread and conversation just to call me childish names like “Beanbag” and “warn Andrew” how I’m “notorious for” causing trouble? I don’t think his silly posts are being very constructive or helpful to anyone or anything in relation to this thread. If anything, they just make him look bad.

EDIT: Oh, and Andrew, I quoted “Artist” because I can’t understand for the life of me why you capitalize it all the time like that. I found it odd and perhaps a bit arrogant (whether you meant to be or not), so I thought I’d poke a bit of fun at it.

Thanks and cheers,


You said it yoursel Ryan - You ARE harsh. So why act surprised when someone calls you on it? Very confusing man. Just responding to your ‘harsh’ post, that’s all. I’m hardly crying about it, trust me. :cry:

As for the 'A’rtist thing, Dick Smith always spells it with a capital ‘A’. So I’ve gotten used to spelling it like that. I don’t consider it arrogant, but thanks for bringing it up. :unamused:

Anyway, I’m done with the pissing match. You can now go find another thread to post ‘harsh’ comments on. You’ve had your fill on this one. I made my point, and other than yourself, people that got it understood what I was saying. Not a big deal man. Let’s move on. This has now gotten boring and, like your attitude, ‘old’.
