Before I start things off, I’m not sure if another thread like this already exists, and if so, my apologies.
As you may know, in early development, the first Halloween was originally called The Babysitter Murders, before Irwin Yablans suggested that it take place on the night of All Hallows Evening, or, better known as Halloween.
Ultimately, the film was named after the titular holiday, and spawned a shitload of sequels.
However, if they had decided to still go the Halloween route but name the film something different, what would you have called it?
Personally, I would have gone with the title Samhain. There’s just something about that word that I really love.
Brilliant question. I like the eerie sound of Samhain as well, and all the attention it gets by Dr. Loomis in H2, but despite the Halloween connection to Samhain, I don’t believe it would be as fitting of a title, as it has a more mystical, supernatural sound to it than the Halloween series (for the most part) has. “Halloween” is such a perfect title though. However, if not “Halloween”, then maybe call it “All Hallow’s Eve”.
Creative threads like these are always fun. Samhain would be cool, but it basically means Halloween. I’d go with something simple like “The Night He Came Home” which I know is already the slogan for it, it sounds good to me though. Or call it “The Shape”.
All Hallow’s Eve, maybe October 31st but I prefer the former. It’s a cheat. I thought about The Boogieman, but it may be too on the nose and the sound of the word can be off and on in its’ effectiveness outside of children. Samhain may be a bit too obscure (and the debate over how it should be pronounced would be a new Boston Celtics type deal, heck Donald Pleasence got it wrong and he was born 200 miles away from Ireland and as well was raised and lived in England).
“That One Guy on that One Night with that One Mask and that One Knife.” Pt.1, II, III, 4,5,6,7,8,9, Remake pt 1, II, and “That One Guy on that One Night with that One Mask and that One Knife 2018.”
Coming October 2020…Remember That One Guy on that One Night with that One Mask and that One Knife???..
He’s BACK!