So I know Indi masks of the New H40 are far and few between so I just wanted to share some photos of my new Elder Shape mask by Sykotic FX and Overhauled by Fear Focused Studios. I honestly love this mask!
Looks awesome in those worn shots man
Best ever 2018 sculpt
Damn, that’s nice.
Thanks man! .
A few more shots!
Lookin good
Wow, not bad!
Lookin good man!
Looks awesome being worn. If it where mine I would stuff it more for display. Looks to narrow imo.
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Agreed 100%. Looks amazing worn I’d just load it up with bags or cotton when on display to stretch it out. Pretty cool how some shots it looks yellow and others it looks more white. Lighting definitely has an awesome effect on this mask
I love the fact that it’s an Indie mask. Congrats
That’s what I was thinking too, I’m going to get some cotton and just stuff the sides a little.
Thank you, I’m more than happy with this mask!
Have not fully stuffed it yet, will post more after along with a few more worn shots. Thank you everybody for the kind words!