So is tots going to do a pre-order for the h1 knife or what? I mean seriously what the hell are they waiting for?
I read somewhere in a comments section that it would be in April most likely. Not sure what the deal is with that, but I agree, let’s get the thing up for pre-order already! Getting to the point where I question if it will even be available this year. And how about the Judith full size tombstone, sure would be nice to get a pre-order in on that too. Not sure what the hold up is on those, but I hope they get the ball rolling sooner than later.
I know what you guys mean, I love TOTs but theyre only posting pre-orders for enamel pins right now
Dirtknap came on here and explained that the knife TOTS is producing is a direct cast from his Lamson. The way they do their preorders is a bit off but it is definitely worth the wait. The $175 for my knife was well spent so I can imagine the mass-produced version will be reasonably priced and beyond worth it. There isn’t a promised date but I am positive they will be produced and delivered long before next Halloween.
Um… what’s the difference between the “H1” knife and the one they already have available?
the old ones are made of foam and dirtknapfx said the new one will be “injected molded plastic with an electroplated blade”
also the blade is different. it’s flat, where as the H2 blade has an edge