"IV" Blank fixed up - pic heavy

Hey guys! I’ve been practicing my Myers paint-ups and hairing, and I scored this “IV” Blank from Bryan at MCS and put in some TLC.
This was a flawed blank, but the IV mask was pretty raw anyway. I fixed it up a bit and did my best!

Check out the pcis!

That is really sweet dude! Looks dead on H4!

Good work on the IV blank, especially worn you can see the full potential.
this try has been worthwhile :rock:

That’s a damn sweet copy! You do great work… :smiley:
Looks spot on to me… :mrgreen:

Hey thanks guys! It was really fun making this, my first attempt at a part 4 mask.
If interested, I’ve listed it on the 'bay

More PIX!

looks really good dude!

that last pic is the best!!

That looks INSANE!!!
That looks like Ron’s H4 :laughing: You Are an artist

That turned out great Darren :sunglasses:
Very creepy shots!
Nice work :rock:

That looks great, congrats.

Thats looks great, good job.