Kinda slipped my mind.

But does anyone remeber the mask or masks made using the “75” Life Mask by name?


didnt sam do most of his myers out of a lifecast? not sure if it was a 75 or not…

That’s why I put the 75 in quotes. I had heard it was a cast from back then, but I’m not too sure about it.
I thought it was him who had done it, but don’t remember the name of that mask. I had also thought more than one person had there take on it. I could be wrong.

I just picked one of these up a couple weeks ago and I was studying over it and found a flaw on it that are on some 75 Kirks I have seen as well as the screen used mask.

But thanks, man!

Are you referring to Sams Shape '08 mask?

i could be wrong but didn 't sam use a shatner life cast but got every single measurment he
could get to make the perfect kirk.