Kirk.... final answer, with weathering


This looks amazing! What kirk was it originally?

Tots. Thanks so much man! I’m really excited about it!!

I like it, Came out really good!

That is the single best converted ToTs Kirk I have seen to-date. Wow!

Well that is certainly one of the best compliments I have ever received! Thanks so much!! :smiley:

This is looking very very good now man, I would’ve never guessed it was a tots. :+1:

Thanks so much!!

Superb !

Looks excellent! :jack_o_lantern:

Thanks so much for the kind words everyone! It definitely took a few screwups along the way! It’s so funny how something that the film crew probably thought about for five minutes and casually executed is something so perfect and almost impossible to now emulate. This website has taught me everything that I know about the mask and films and I’m really thankful to be a part of this amazing community of passionate fans!

The weathering, shading, makes all the difference.

It definitely does!!!

What color paint did you use for the weathering and how did you apply it?

And therein lies the difficulty. If this had been a big budget movie there would have been countless variants made and screen tested during pre-production and a catalogue of detail on the final mask and its modifications, much like H40. As it is, it sounds like they modded it on gut feel, and in a hurry (uneven eye cuts for example) and no-one can really remember too much about it. You did a fantastic job mate :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!! And yeah, all of that is true! I made some more modifications and now I’m finally satisfied lol. I posted newer pics in the “What scene does this mask fit best” post.