just finished this this morning. i spent months dying hair and trying hair and i am really happy with this hair. also a madman redo in progress.i am super busy with redos but i love it. these kirks are 120 shipped in the us…tommy
Good job Tommy.
Nice one Tommy! Great Job my friend.
An outstanding Kirk and I love how the Madman looks so far.
Fantastic work Tommy, I love the look of the Myers, the tones are great.
looks dam good Tommy that madman redo is turning out great. you going to put that kirk hair on it?
Beautiful work Tommy!
the guy wants darker hair on the mm. thanks for your replys…tommy
hair looks wicked tommy!!
kirk looks killer
is that myers with no hair the same sculpt?
nope thats a madman78
That is really, really beautiful work Tommy and that MM…Bravo!!!
thanks guys…tommy
Nice job bruh!
120? you’ll be hearing from me soon, lol!
nice paint up Tommy thing looks sick!
Great job, that Kirk looks pretty damn good. Madman looks awesome as well.
dang those are amazing. if i still had my madman id send that sucker to ya
Can’t get enough of your skilled work Tommy