
Great looking knives James, now can you make me a phaser? :rock:

Awesome news James I can’t wait to see all the knives go back into production :rock: .

Thanks guys! Sure Col, I can probably mold and pour up a few phasers if there is enough interest. I made one from a block of hard wood back in 2000, it took me a solid month working every evening on it. It did look killer indeed, especially from about 10 ft. if you moved it around real fast :laughing: Of course it was in the load of pics I lost back in 08! :unamused:


You are the knife king JC

Thanks Ron but don’t you know better than to use “king” in the same sentence with “JC”!? :open_mouth: It makes certain people around here get all frizzled :laughing:

But seriously, thanks Ron and all you guys! Definitely not king, just an ole country boy that has a striking interest in the last day of October! :wink:


Sorry but you are the King buddy, I haven’t seen anyone doing it any better :smiley:

Thanks Ron~!

I second Ronny!

Well, Cockle doodle doo! Those look great James. Im seriously going to be needing one in the near future :cry:

Lookin sweet man!! Cant wait for them… :rock:

YOU ARE THE KING DEAL WITH IT!! :smiling_imp: …THE BURGER KING :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They look great, buddy! I gotta pick one of those up sometime… :sunglasses:

I love all your Knives James!!! I still need to pick some up eventually

Those knives are sick James!!!

Thanks again you guys!