Ladies and gentleman, I present....

The D’oh from Far Out Productions. Username jamesazrael (James Rausch). This mask screams H1, LOL. I’m shocked on how sweet this mask looks in person. Very nice paint job by Brad Zonka (and I mean nice) and even intricate details, such as the forehead shadow and flesh tones, were prominent. FOP exceeded my expectations and were super nice guys. I highly recommend dealing with them. The mask is huge! I wanted to wait until I had a bloody doughnut prop but that might be awhile. So without further adieu, The D’oh #1. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
still a nice score though

That is fantastic… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: !!!
Nice Score man…Bravo FOP…Bravo.

Best part is the eye cuts, hahah

omg that is hilarious!!!one of a kind lol.

congrats on a unique score there man.
just curious, was there an episode of the simpsons that inspired this mask or is it just an out of the blue creation?

I think it is just their interpretation. Very creative

I think they were going to use this mask for “resurrection” but ended up going with the other mask after consulting with Busta Rhymes :unamused:

now thats a Killer :laughing:

I’m dying laughing. That is so damn cool!!! I LOVE IT! Can you imagine if this mask was pictured in the mask line-up on the title page navagational icons :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Lmao, very cool… Dean

Kinda looks like this-----------------> :open_mouth:

Cool unique score man! :laughing:


Matt you rock sir!! Thanks for being open to having fun in your collecting :slight_smile: Enjoy and bask in the notion that you are now the coolest kid on the block :sunglasses:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Thanks for the kind words my friend, and we’re super stoked and glad you love the mask :slight_smile:


That’s outrageous and cool at the same time :laughing:
Love the COA that comes with it!

D’oh!!! :laughing:

Thats awesome man.

F :laughing: CKING INCREDIBLE!!! I love it!!

AWESOME! :rock:

Im glade your happy with it I was waiting till i heard you got it… :mrgreen: now enjoy and this mask does creep people out, I wore it at horrorhound and alot of people would even look me in the eyes lol… enjoy you have a very unique item and glade you like it.


Lol! That’s great!