late 80's don post myers. whats it worth?

my friend has a late 80’s don post original myers in real good condition. it kind of looks like the knb from H2O to me. i was just wondering if these were worth anything. he is thinking about selling it and asked me. i have no pics because he cant send any to me because he is a computer retard. if anyone has any input on this let me know. thanks.


mint? $100-$150

I was wondering how much those late 80’s DP were going for, my brother has a late 80’s Myers mask, so I was wondering.

Cool, Now I know. Thanx guys. :smiley:

Jon’s pretty much right on that one. I’ve seen them sell from $75 up to $150 in mint condition.
The mask is becoming a classic.

I wish mine didn’t melt! :blush: