Latex origin- From trees in exotic areas of the world

Hi Maybe I’m just obsessed with mask collecting but I have over 218 masks now. 86 of them are myers masks. From Cheapies to expensive exotic pulls by various artists ( JC. Loper Nag etc) Looking at all these masks they are made of latex. Sometimes I wonder for each mask where the latex came from. Does anyone know how many different countries latex comes from? Has anyone ever looked at thier masks and wondered where that particular latex used on your mask came from? India? South America? Africa? Stuff liek this facinates me about the process of manufacture.Am I alone?

I thought the majority of the worlds latex caomes from Burma? I dont know if thats till the go to.

Remember in the mid to late 90’s don post masks that melted in no time, like the DP leatherface
Latex from different countries etc they all can differ I guess

218!?!?! I only have 3 atm. Holy shit! :astonished:

Yes i should start selling some stuff:( Its too much already my GF is thinking something is worng with me.

Please message me if you do :wink:

That’s actually pretty cool haha. I’ve known this for some time now, but have never actually seen the source.

You’re definitely not alone man. Been fascinated for years and it’s awesome to see somebody posting photos and really diving into the process! Vinyl is forever but latex is my favorite. Amazing how the process of mask making has changed over the years and yet has remained relatively the same