Lets see those "screen cap" Myers Shots!

Hey Guys and Gals, its been awhile.
Lets see those Myers “screen cap” comparisons!
I did this shot tonight.
Lets see yours! :smiley:

Just chillin’ :laughing:

That pic is insanely accurate, it also pulls off a great H2 hot tub scene as well. I’ll try some shots tomorrow.

Can’t wait to see it! :smiley:

holllyyy crap thats insanely accurate!! verryyy nice! :smiley:

Lookin’ good J :smiley: This is probably the only thing I have close to a screen shot…
Night Castle.jpg
Jay Muzz

Okay I couldn’t find the original pic (and I know it’s not an actual screen cap) but I kinda like this one too… :rock:
Cool Halloween art....jpg
Bob's Nightmare......jpg

dayyyyum! GoBears always has the best masks. wanna trade one?? jk

Thanks myersfreak777, Jay, and RiotOwnzU!
Hey Jay, love the street shot, definately one of my favs. :smiley:
Keep them coming guys, I wanna see your pictures! I love creative screencap comparisons.
I know there out there! :smiling_imp:

BTW, I had a couple pm’s about this mask and if the picture is photoshopped.
The answer is no. I had my camera set on soft snap, thats were the bluish coloring comes in.
Also, I just cut the face part out of the picture, here is the full picture I took it from…
I figured I’d answer this here, its alot easier that way. :laughing:
See Ya,

Lookin good guys :slight_smile:

I always love your shots J and Jay. You guys both have amazingly accurate masks!

That’s insane J…Truly.

Thank’s J and Brent! :rock:

Thanks Brent and Randy! :smiley:
Sweet shot K. :smiley:
Keep 'em coming fella’s. I really want to see you creativity…
See Ya,

I know I’ve posted this tons of time but I’m so proud of it:

Okay, here’s mine with my Nightmare
Phone Scene


Michael staring at Loomis before he’s shot

Michael fading in the dark right before he attacks Laurie

and just a few for the hell of it

Cool shots! :smiley:

Thanks J-MAN!! :slight_smile:

Great shots Nick!! :rock:

Here goes…