Malcolm McDowell will be at Monster Mania

just saw on their site that Malcolm McDowell who played Dr. Loomis in RZH & RZH2 will be at Monster Mania Convention in Cherry Hill, NJ on march 12-14. Malek akkad (who produced Hi6-RZH2) will also be there, as well as Wendy Kaplin (Tina from H5) plus alotta other cool people (eric roberts, dario argentio, gary busey, powerman, ect.)

I already ordered my tickets. im going dressed in my coveralls with my Xombie

cool I just want to go to have Malek sign one of my copyright infringement masks
but I dont want him to charge me and I prob need to keep a close eye on it when its in his hands so he dont try to run with it LOL

JK :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Malek akkad canceled a few weeks ago

damn that sucks