ok, ive scene all these life size myers displays, where people have gotten mannequins and put coverall and a myers mask on it, can someone please tell me where i can get one of these manneqins, ive wanted one badly, never knew where to find them, please help, and if needed, mods move this topic
I snagged mine on ebay.
I just looked for the posture of it.
I wanted the color to be just right as well.
See Ya!
thanks J, ill keep an eye out, Z
No prob.
Keep and eye out for the hands to, I bought one awhile ago and the hands were kinda funky on it.
The new one I bought, looked much more “natural”.
See Ya!
if theres any clothes stores closing around u u usually can get one form them cheap or they mite just give it to u
if you wanted to save a buck or two you could make one out of pvc pipe. Thats how I do mine.
you could always go the PVC mannequin route as well…
take care,
This is where I got mine