These are always a bit fun to see.
Changed to B&W
These are always a bit fun to see.
Changed to B&W
The NMM78 rules
Looks very dead on Paul
That’s actually a difficult shot!
Nice work
NICE Paul!
makes me wanna redo some of mine
There’s a reason the NMM78 is still number one.
Justin really set the bar for these masks and sadly they tend to be forgotten these days.
Brilliant comparison Paul, doesn’t get much closer than that.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I agree the NMM78 is still my fav
Great picture Paul.
This is about all I have for now.
Sweet Ethan
Even the house has the same atmospere
Thank you kaizu.
I always thought my living room kinda looked like the Strode’s living room.
nice, paul! that overlay is amazing.
mine’s not really a screen cap, but a behind the scenes photo…
Awesome Puckface!
puckface IMO your girl looks way better than Jamie Lee Curtis hahaha :finga: but one question puck, why does she have the screen cap down but YOU of all people have your head turned the wrong way??? Shame shame shes better at it than you haha jk man great shot
Thanks guys! … Nice caps too. Not many in the screencap mood today.
not the greatest, but heres a pic I put together years ago…
Hey Puck this one goes with your post
Not screencaps but you get the idea.
here ya go jon
Here you go thanks again J for doing this!
Thanks Puckface
SICK pic Paul!
Here’s my NM78 proto
Not an exact angle, but if my head was turned slightly more to the left, it would be a dead ringer, IMO.