Sure would look that way! They even video chat!
I love that addison!!
ROFL!!!thats so badass
They sure are…
DW with Tom Morga
wow thats cool as hell…ive never seen that before
Big thanks to a member here
Can’t remember his name

Sure would look that way! They even video chat!
Michael :…breathes
Jason :…
Michael :…
yeah i remember seeing that pic of dw and tm on here before i also found it not to long ago on some website.
How do you think they get so creative with kills?

How do you think they get so creative with kills?
Michael wouldnt even know what a lamson was without J…or so I hear
omg michael you shouldve seen the way i killed this guy today lol!

They sure are…
DW with Tom Morga
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to screen cap these like try to do it like replicate this picture that would be soooooooo awesome someone should try to replicate this picture!

They sure are…
DW with Tom Morga
I LOVE this picture!
JASON looks so awesome!
-Big D
funny pic addison!
and thanks for posting that kaizu, i too have never seen that pic
Addison… Is that Joe? LMAO!

Addison… Is that Joe? LMAO!
haha! yeah!
you should see them on poker night when freddy, leatherface and chucky come over! WOO boy lol
Very cool shot! How did I miss that all these years.