Michael and the baby in H2018 mystery

Just wondering this after seeing the shape returns scene but when Michael kills the old lady with the hammer and came across the baby, he noticed it, but spared it and walked away. I find this interesting because earlier in the movie he kills a 14 year old kid. Any theories or explanations? :neutral_face:

people would’ve been all outraged and pissed off if he killed the baby. Twitter and such would be all, “Cry cry-tear tear, he’s a monster!!”

which actually is exactly why I wish he would’ve done it. All he had to do was stab down while he walked past the cradle and keep moving in that creepy, smooth and calm way he does things, and have the sound of the baby crying stop abruptly. You never actually saw a baby you just heard it. It would’ve been a pretty chilling effect done only through the use of sound.

But I would’ve liked to see the horror and reaction of, “He’s a Monster!” …because him being “pure and simple Evil”, is the entire point. He’s supposed to be an evil monster.

I feel it’s because there’s simply no reason for him to. He didn’t kill the babies in the hospital in H2 (1981) either. They’re just babies, they’re not in his way, and they are not hindering him in any way, so why would he kill them? Of course he’s pure evil, but he only kills who he stalks, and pretty much anyone who happens to be in his way…I don’t think that applies to the babies.

I think he knew the baby was in no way a threat to him. He usually seems to kill people for a reason (not all the time) their was no reason for him to kill the baby in my opinion.

Agreed. It’s not much of a mystery

The simple explanation is that the actor playing the husband didn’t show up to shoot so they put a crib there. He wasn’t supposed to kill the husband in the script and he didn’t kill the baby. Michael is random

It’s almost worse that he didn’t kill the child. Now the child has to grow up without his/her mother, possibly knowing she was murdered in the same room. I’m not sure why he didn’t, but it really isn’t a big deal to me in a way that I was upset with the scene.

I assumed he didn’t kill the baby because it didn’t have the capacity to fear him or understand what was happening.

That would be very creepy and effective, but due to how soft today’s society is, that’ll never happen, you are right about how outraged people would be