Hey guys, it has been snowing around here the last few days and I decided to take some pictures outside with my NAG RARER. I sprayed the hair a bit black a few weeks ago and it came out pretty good I must say.
Thanks Kaizu, I appreciate it man. As requested some close-ups of the hair.
You can see the blonde creeping through. It’s MUCH darker than before.
Still think the hair is too “curly” though. I managed to straighten it out a bit though, but still… The mask will be rehaired not too far from now anyway .
haha, when i read the word “SNOW” in your topic i aready suspected this would be a fellow dutch forummember:) Long time ago it snowed THAT MUCH in this country, it’s insane
Anyway, those are some very nice snowy Myers shots! I really think your mask looks a lot better with the hair sprayed black. Looks more movie accurate…
Kaizu, I’ve always loved that picture man! It’s killer hair no doubt. I think the straightened hair styles a bit better. You know with the strands pointing to all sides just like on my Mint below. At the end it all comes down to personal preference .
Thanks embodiedhost for the kind words. And thank you James, just make sure you have some killer mohair at the time it arrives .