Mini Myers mask - update: sculpted by Dennis Becktrom

I went looking for some Halloween goodies the other day at Halloween USA and came across this little guy. I bought two of them and I’m rehairing one as soon as I get a chance. I will probably do additional weathering as well. For $5, these things have great potential! The sculpt isn’t dead on by any means, but its very good for the price. It actually looks like Myers and reminds me of a downsized Beckstrom sculpt. I plan on hanging him from my rearview when the project is finished. Not sure if I want to cut out the eyes or leave em. Anyway here are a couple pics.

EDIT: I did go back and look for more at my location and they are now sold out… so I can’t get any to ship. Sorry guys.

With his massive hairdo!

In progress… lol, already looks better w/out the hair

Man, that looks awesome for the price tag. Chad, do you know if they sell these anywhere else? I need to pick one up, but I’m in Canada!
Can’t wait to see what you’ve done with it when finished!!!

I spent about 2 hours driving around to Spirit, Halloween Express, Halloween Thrills, and a few Ma & Pop shops and no one else carried them. So all I can say for sure is that you’ll find em at Halloween USA. I was more impressed by USA than the others this year - of course they all tend to go downhill a bit each year though.

haha that is awesome! great find!

no costume shots? :laughing:

I tried cramming it on my cats head, but he’s just too damn stubborn. After the second hiss, I said I’m done.

haha! i was thinking about getting a propshop one, but hey 20 bucks less! im down!

Didn’t even know they made one until now… lol. Yeah theirs are $25.

is that not the minature myers mask that cam with the box set that was released?

Dude my cousin bought me one of these from Halloween USA 2 weeks ago. Guess where I put him??? Right around my rearview mirror! Its a very cool little mask I have to admit!

Awesome find, those masks look awesome for $5.00

Sweet score Chad. :smiley:
I snagged one a couple of weeks ago for $11 or $12.
Its actually a myers doll. I added weathering to mine. :laughing:
See ya,

wow the mini mask has a better sculpt than the actual wearable mask :open_mouth:

Very nice!!! The quality of these are very inconsistant too. I ordered 2 of them online and threw one away because it was in such bad shape. The one’s I’ve seen in stores are kinda fickle quality as well. Takes some lookin to find a good one sometimes. Here’s mine repainted and rehaired as you may have seen. Prolly the best mass produced MM mask since the 98/99 kirks

That looks cool JasonV123. :smiley:
You know whats so wrong. How come these mini masks look waaaay better then the mass produced licensed masks?
What does that tell you?!! WOW… :confused: :laughing:

Cool pick up Warlock! now redo that bad boy with your magic!! and Jason that one you did up is beautiful! the hairing makes that one stand out!

these things are cool…i think the funny thing is is how this actually looks better then most of the mass produced mask :laughing: :laughing:
marcus :mrgreen:

Not trying to throw this thread off topic but damn J check out this comparison! You have a killer Warlock! Brent

JasonV, great repaint/rehair! I’m aiming for something along those lines… maybe a bit more exaggerated on the weathering. Should be a fun project!

Hey Chad,
I actually did sculpt the Mini Myers mask for Post. Glad to see those things are finally getting out there!
Here’s a pic of the sculpt.