I didn’t know wheather to leave this in other users or other companies so I’m leaving it in both.
MMFX is beyond awesome. The sculpts are soooooooooooooooooooo real looking and the paint is beyond anything that I’ve seen out there. Bob ships FAST, FAST, FAST and will always answer every email you send him…and I sent him a lot…poor guy.
Don’t hesitate for a second!! I got the Strange Monster and it’s posted in the off topic section if you would like to see him.
Nick (myers n san diego).
I paid Bob almost a thousand dollars OVER a year ago for two painted resin F13 busts. I still don’t have them. After countless emails of Bob telling me “they are mailing next week” I STILL don’t have what I paid for.
I have been very patient. Sent a few angry emails as well. Bob got angry when I left negative feedback before. We squashed shit in March…the busts were going to ship “next week”.
Looks like I need to get a lawyer now. Congrats to those who got their merchandise…it really irks me though to read about people getting the same thing I ordered and paid for over a year ago. Im not the only one waiting for shit either.
Why do people continue to support this guy who owes several people thousands of dollars? Didnt anyone learn anything from Terry and other situations like that? or because you got your shit, integrity doesnt matter.
Until I get my two busts, Bob is a low thief. I wish it was easy to sue him, somethings got to give.