Mohair question.....

I’ve rehauled a few TOTS H40 masks with pretty good success and I’m thinking about mask finishing as an actual means of income. The only thing I haven’t tackled yet is hairing.

Does anyone know some reliable sources to get mohair? And if so, how much is needed for a Myers mask? Does it come in standard lengths? Any help is appreciated.

I know this isn’t what you asked, but if you’re hairing a H40 I would stick to crepe instead of Mohair. Mohair may be too fine if you’re going for accuracy. A few oz is plenty to hair a mask :slight_smile:
Most crepe wool comes braided, but you’d just need to unbraid it and give it a wash, then hang to dry in order to straighten. All cooped up is reputable and they’ve got great colors. a dark medium-brown would be great for the H40. :slight_smile:


Don’t forget you can mist hair as well to get it any color you wish. Mike (AHG) did up a Maniac for me and some of the hair has been misted white which blends amazingly well with the light brown color

Awesome information…Thanks a lot guys! I’m going to get mohair and crepe wool. I definitely wanna be as accurate as possible. And I think I’ll stick to the TOTS masks for now until i get good enough where I feel I’m not going to mess up an expensive mask. I’m confident in my artistic skills, I just need to learn the materials and application side.

I am glad to hear your commitment to mastering your craft and truly look forward to seeing some of your work! Crepe wool is amazing and quickly becoming a favorite of many artists in the community. I find it much easier to work with than camel or flax hair and it has a softness to it that is just unmatchable. The TOTS Kirk mask is perfect for practice as not only will you be able to get a feel for the hairing process - it will familiarize you with the shapes of eyecuts. Believe it or not, once you master those, blanks will seen like a piece of cake. Mask thickness varies, but isn’t easy to strip paint and work with a glueline underneath the hair so it is awesome to have a blank canvas to start out with. Can’t wait to see some of your work man and I look forward to having you as an artist in this community!

I appreciate the encouragement man. I’ll post pictures of the H40 I’m painting right now when I’m done. I look forward to getting some feedback. Thanks!

I’ll also post some Shape 78 pictures when I get that… The mailman will be Santa that day.

That’s awesome man! I look forward to seeing them. If you’re doing the H40 I can only imagine how much easier other sculpts will be. There are so many little cracks and details in that mask in comparison to any of the other films! Good luck on your endeavor man. I’m sure I’ll be sending a mask off to you for a rehaul in the future!

Well I’m not done yet but here’s a couple pictures of the rehaul I’m doing. Still need to do some accents, glue lines, weather the bottom more, and style the hair a little better. But, I figured I’d post some pics to get some feedback. What do you think?

Okay forget those pics. Here’s it is finished. Forgive the H2 style coveralls, they’re strictly for modeling purposes. Keep in mind, this is only my second painting of a mask ever. Be gentle lol

Looks awesome!

Thank you!

For a second time, you did a damn good job!

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Thanks man!

What brand of paint and colours did you use?

Hate to revive and old thread, but dude, that looks amazing! I’m currently rehauling a H40 mask and trying to perfect the wash/weathering process. I’d love to find some more hair for the mask as well, since it does have major bald spots.

Any advice for a newby like me? I should mention that I’m painting all by hand, so no airbrushing. Thanks… and “killer” job again!