Are the pics you posted a store bought mask or a replica? If it’s a store bought one then never mind what I said then because that looks pretty good lol
Never mind what I said then because that’s pretty good for a store mask. Hopefully it won’t get messed up in the mail, thanks for showing pics of what it would look like. Did you get anything done to it?
Ahhh…the pics of the day is my favorite threads.
BTW, Did you get these pumpkins at a craft store or somewhere else? I did the H1 carving on a real pumpkin, but obviously you can only keep it so long.
Yeah, I took the kids to Michaels craft store last night.
They have these pumpkins for like 40% off.
I did up the white one, and bought the other pumpkin from Warlock a long time ago.
I wanted to try something different…
See Ya!