Nice pics man. Curtis’ mask is looking good :sunglasses: .

:rock: -Raymond


That pic simply rules :open_mouth: All the pics are fantastic, I wish I could have been there

Awesome shots Frank :sunglasses:
Love your usage of the lens :rock:
Those shots of Matt,Curtis, and Matt are superb!
Glad you guys had a great time and thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Does anyone know what company sells the masks, in the 10th pic? with the hocks and bloody myers??

  • Aaron

idk what company that is…But, i seen them selling those jason part 6 and 7 undermasks on ebay a few times, Z

great pics guys.
lots of shows comin up,so close together

Who was selling Bobs Captain Spaulding busts?

Great pics, thanks for sharing! :rock:

Thanks Frank, looks like a lot of fun I missed! :frowning:


Awesome shots, looks like it was a blast!!!

Really nice pics

Awesome shots Frank! :sunglasses:

Cool pictures, looks like fun for sure!! :smiley:

Damn dude! Those pics of me, Curtis, and Matt are amazing! Thanks for making us look incredible and it was more than a pleasure to meet you.

Great shots Frank!

Very cool pics, and great photography. Looks like you had a blast!

Damn Frank, you make something as mundane as a hallway full of people look cool. You’re in the wrong profession!

GREAT pictures.

Wow! :open_mouth: Thanks, Frank! Now I feel like I was there. Those are some groovy shots! I especially like the one in the elevator where Matt has his mask on his head. Very cool, Frank, and you look swell, fellas! :mrgreen:

:laughing: Was kind of awkward for all the other people in the elevator. Frank just busts the camera out, raises it above his head and starts snapping pics.

wish i woulda seen the myers guys. i was dressed as rzh1 myers as well