More Myers artwork

I think I’m going to get my illustrator setup again and make this one into a huge poster that I can do digitally with a tablet and color.

That’d be pretty cool huh?

Did this in an hour… Color pencils after moving were my only color medium to use at the time so i said why not… I’m probably going to redo it and keep the colors just black/grey/white/slate/blue…

great job .cool concept…tommy

Very nice work :rock: :rock:

cool! nicewjob!!!

Minus “white horse” I like it.

That is some great artwork! For some reason those pics are making me want to take up drawing again. Too bad I can’t draw people… :frowning:

Thanks guys… What should I sketch up tonight?

dude your art is amazing! You should sketch the H1 1978 movie poster. I want to get that pumpkin/knife in black and gray as a tattoo but haven’t found any good art other than the poster. And if it comes out as good as this drawing did, then I think I will have found my next tattoo design. :slight_smile:

I’ll do that today

thanks bro.

how’s the drawing coming? :slight_smile:

should have it up tonight :slight_smile:

how’s the drawing?

YO, sorry for the delay… left my book over at this ladie’s and picking it up tonight tomorrow morning… haven’t been delaying… just being stupid and promiscuous

is this the one you were referring to? I had to sketch it up again just now… I think this would be an interesting way to go (yes Myers’ lip will be fixed with shading, just guiding lines)

I think this could work well as a black/grey piece