My #1 H20 screenused is on the way...Gary sent me some pics

Amazing mask, how much did it set you back ?..the first thing i noticed was that the eyes do look a little of, but it could just be the angle of the photo…Thats one of the best looking masks i have ever seen, i love the H20 style…In the words of the great monty python…You Lacky Lacky Barsturd… :smiley:

The eyes are fine, thanks. :smiley:

WOW :open_mouth: congrats to that amazing score Ron! Love the hair work!

Thanks, is it snowing there in Deutschland?

wow does this Gary have a website :astonished:?

Here ya go

Now that looks mo better Ron! :mrgreen:

Thanks mate :slight_smile:

I’m not really a fan of any mask after H2 , but that mask does look cool ! Congrats on your score !

Yeah I am real happy

that is a really great looking mask, ron :slight_smile: fantastic job, h30!

Yes Ron, actually it is snowing in Deutschland but only a little bit every day!

I wish I was there for Christmas

Wow. I’m just seeing this thread now. How did I miss it? With such a kickass mask like that, I’m surprised. Amazing amazing H20 mask! Awesome score!

hey can you remove this posting please because your imbarrising my h20 mask lol jk. sweet mask bro congrats on your new score .thats definitely the best h20 mask i have seen yet bro .

Well my man, your pics are always beautiful and crisp. Congrats on the score.

These are actually Gary’s pics that he sent to me. They look great though

WOW!!! Ron that new version of gary’s H20 is spot on that is a keeper for sure.


I will post some this weekend