My 2 JHK Myers masks

My 2 JHK’s (Joe Hathaway Kirk) that I received as blanks years ago from Martin G Peña and recently finished this year. I previously painted both masks and haired the H4 in 2016 and they stayed that way until late September/early October of this year. These masks were finished for next to nothing because of the materials I used. I paid $4 at most. I used acrylic paint with no liquid latex and I used synthetic hair from Dollar General called SUPER Jumbo Braid (that shit is a pain to work with and it gets EVERYWHERE lol) and hand painted it brown with acrylics (only came in black). I’m very happy with the outcome of these masks and I can’t wait to do this (the proper way) with my own sculpt. Thanks for looking :slight_smile:

P.S. Who else here owns one of these masks? I don’t see them around very much.

They look awesome man, love the uniqueness of that mask on the left and that H4 is sick. You did a great job on both

Thank you man! :slight_smile: