So, yesterday mjoner16(marcus) and I hung out and showed off our masks. We shot video with the “Happily Exposed” (Mr. Happy H2) that he bought from me, Warlock, Scarred, and The Raining Red H6 mask! I am still working on getting the other videos done and uploaded, but since this is my birthday today, i wanted to give you all a little gift so you could see the Raining Red V2 in ACTION!
Thanks guys, I tried to shoot it with a real cool filter to give off the feeling it’s cold outside. I sensed a blue hue in H6 throughout as part of their color pallette, so i tried to achieve that. Hard thing is, THE SUN was so bright yesterday! some shots he looks a lil washed out because we didnt have a silk to cut down on the harsh glare of the sun. In H6 for the most part in daytime shots they were working with an overcast which helped the overall look/atmosphere…In Florida in December while colder, you dont get that luxury
i see the score you were tellin me about! thats great!! also like the editing with all the different shots
i had fun yesterday bro! and if this mask doesnt sell a lot more cause of the video…then i dont know how it will LOL its a great mask in real life, dont know how many times i could say that!! its just that great!!
and thanks eddie for the kind words!!
happy b-day man! if i had known yesterday i would did somehting for you lol
thanks bro! you did give me a b-day present, you played Michael 4 times yesterday in the videos But i usually dont go advertising it’s my b-day, when you start having as many as i have had, you tend to keep it on the down low