hi, my cinema secrets h8 mask from ellis came today and it kicks ass. i personally think this is better than the other cinema secrets one that is valued at about $150 simply because this looks alot more h8! but anyway, ellis was amazing to deal with and he even recommended me to pay after i got it AND he actually gave me this, i just paid shipping which was about $27! he was so trusting and i want to thank him big time. anyway, check out these worn shots:
i think this is so accurate for a mass produced but i think cinema secrets myers masks are in a totally diff catagory than dp, alot better quality, the hair is great too!
also i want to show some recent projects of mine:
h3 pumpkin mask (need to paint the black bits)
my frank mask
my jason x mask (only for display)
and finally, i weathered my dp 06, still looks crappy, but better!
thanks alot man, it is funny, this was the 2nd cheapest myers mask i have bought and alot better than all my other mass produced, i love it and it def is pretty accurate!
thanks a hell of alot guys! i really appriciate the kind words. Ryn, i’ll give you a tip, yes they are mass produced but to make mine look even better i put plastic packaging up the back to bring it to my face to give it its full h8 look! and kaizu, that was real nice of you man and don’t worry, i’ll keep making masks until my heart stops, lol. again, thanks everyone, you are all great people and everyone has replied positively!