my collection

got in some new pieces recently and still new to the boards so thought id post a pic of my set up, more masks on the way and a mask is going on the jason remake, its in transit atm.

anyways, enjoy


Is that the Brian Wright jason remake bust?Nice collection man…

very nice!!!

did you get that jason remake of the bay???

yea thats a wright fx mask, got it off ebay a few weeks ago. made a cheap costume cause i felt he needed something more (its still a work in progress)


Great Collection bro!!! Is that a Dela Torre Blood Tears?

yea thats the patient. whats your thoughts on the mask? I personally like his interpretation

great collection! love that bust!

It’s a little small…but I like the sculpt a lot. I think he’s got a nice take on it. I just wish it was bigger. Looks good though!!! :smiley:

my thoughts too, i didnt research its sizing n its tiny, like a child couldnt wear it. its a nice display piece. do you know if his H1 is the same sizing n super thin pull? i was thinking of getting one

nice collection you got going on bro.

That’s a good question. I don’t know, but there is a user on here that just scored an H1 from him, so I bet you could search for the post. It’s a great looking mask, but I’m weary about the size too. I don’t mind the pull because I only display my masks and don’t really wear them to often.

Thats a cool collection, you have more than I do, hopefully one day I will have a bigger collection… Dean

thanks man, its not great. theres a lot of mass produced masks in it, im slowly getting my collection up.

the butcher, warlock, hss h2 and david (lost boys)

Nice, man!!!

Awesome collection!!! :rock:

nice collection bro, looks awesome! :smiley: