My first time trying to convert a mask. This was a tots kirk. I tried to mix my best “fish belly white” doing research around the forums. Still trying to hair it. My airbrush wouldn’t spit out the paint, no matter how much i watered it down, so i had to resort to regular brushing, which is why the paint job is kinda iffy. I think it works out in certain lighting.
fishbelly white is a trop of silver in the white! but if your ready for constructiv feedback you should first pay attention of the eye cuts …cause this makes or Breaks a mask … paint is 2nd!
I’ve adjusted the eyes the best i can for right now, i think the left one looks better now. it has the tear drop shape the original had. Haired it up and tried to dry brush a bit. might do more. All I need to do now is do the glue lines. Anyone have any idea what i can use for that?
If youre open to suggestions I drew on your pic in paint if you want an idea on making the eyecuts even better or more even.
I did black outlines on both eyes to show what to go for, dont trim them any wider top to bottom.
Dont touch the bottom of the eyebrow or the bottom of the eyelid only the corners of the eyes
For the glue lines I used latex and seperated kleenex plys if you have some left over latex.
I measure out how long the glue line is on the temple, then seperate a kleenex into 2 sheets of kleenex, rip it to the glue line length.
a long thin strip lengthwise of the kleenex and maybe 1/3 - 1" wide, just enought to roll lengthwise 4-5 times
So you have kleenex ply turn the length of the temple, then I pour on some latex and roll it lengthwise like a rolling pin motion.
You want it about as thick as a q-tip stick, it will soak up the latex and stick together and now you have two thin latex snake things
You pinch and roll/twist off the ends so it looks like it came out of a glue gun.
When thats gettting sticky and tacky, glue it on the temples with more latex, then drybrush some white paint on the glue lines
Just a bit of constructive criticism, but the hair is a little fake looking, There is some good mohair though that can look astonishing, the paint is pretty good though!
Trying combing the hell out of the hair with a fine toothed comb to get it as flat against the mask as possible, then pull away a small number of threads and twist 'em.
It’s been awhile, but heres the mask as it is now, with spruce green big mac coveralls. thanks for the criticism, everyone! as soon as i invest in an airbrush, i’m going to start working on a tramer conversion.