My First Mask Conversion - TOTS Elrod

Damn, this is wild! One of the best ToTS conversions I’ve seen. Well done!

Wow, you’re too kind! Just for being so nice, I went outside and took another B&W shot with the sideburn glue lines all finished:

I’ll post some regular color shots in a few minutes, gotta run.

Thanks again,

No really, the hair, paint, attention to shadowed facial features, sideburn glue, flesh, eye alteration, and weathering is all there. It’s a good rendition for sure! Sorry for rambling but yes, this is excellent!

:rock: :drinkers:

That’s not a bad idea to take balck and white photos to compare to the original black and white. That has to make comparing them easier. I would have never of thought of that

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How much would you charge to paint and re-hair one? Or would you sell this one? Great job! Thanks.