my first paint up

here is a sequel blank that i got from mcs awhile ago, and i decided to try to paint it, its going to be a bloodtears mask, i went for a really worn look with the flesh on the neck and sides really showing and light weathering. thanks for looking

For a 1st timer that’s way better than what I could :astonished:
Can’t wait to see it finished brotha Seth :rock:
Have fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, man. That looks really good. Awesome job on that one! Can’t wait to see it finished!

Nice job I like the way the neck came out on that …

not bad at all for a first time! good job man.

Nicely Done…

though, next time i would advise not using such a ‘stark’ white. just a suggestion. :mrgreen:

Everything about it looks great especially for a first! :open_mouth:


Awesome job man.I love the flesh tones

Well done Seth, especially the heavy flesh tones around the neck area look great.

looking good man! :smiley:

Hey would u be willing to trade the blood tears when u get it done?

That looks very good… It has the rough evil look for sure. :rock:

very nice :smiley: