My Halloween 2009 Photos-Hope you Enjoy

Hey all. Here are my Halloween 2009 photos-better late than never i guess. Here is Me, my wife and my cousin dressed up before going out to our citys annual halloween bar hop. Me wearing the NAG/AHG H78, My wife as michael myers with short coveralls, fishnet stockings and high boots. My cousin was ghost sheet michael myers with the “bob” glasses. We had a good time.

great pics man…looks like you had a blast

Thanks. we had a blast! :rock:

Nice! Awesome pics man! I like the female version of Mikey as well :sunglasses:

Love the costumes you guys got Jimi!
I seriously wanna see at least one pic of Mr and Ms Myers have one kiss on a pic :laughing: :laughing:

I do have a kiss pic of the 2 of us. its pretty hillarious to see :laughing:


Nice pics :open_mouth: ! I am now 100% convinced the NAG 78 Masks are the best H1’s out there. Am I wrong? Anybody?

Cool pic’s, I love how all three of you went as michael, cool to see your wife a myers fan as well… Dean

please post it, man! LoL

I agree 110%…it just has THE LOOK. Looks like everyone had fun at the party.Michael and Michelle Myers…you hardily see them out together!!! :laughing: A family that slays together…stays together!

Cool pics. Myers was living the high life that night. :slight_smile:

Cool pics Jimi, but where was the TRUTH STACHE that night? :open_mouth: :sunglasses: I assume it was at home drinking a sixer of Miller High Life and watching the Spice channel. :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaa wifey myers is kinda awkward but funny
great pics

