My Halloween DVD Collection

This is my collection of all the different realeses of each halloween film.

My collection includes:

Halloween Restored 1999
Halloween Extended cut 2001
Halloween 25th annaversary 2003
Halloween Restored 2007
Halloween II sinlge realese
Halloween II/III double pack
Halloween 4 original dvd release
Halloween 5 original dvd release
Halloween 4/5 double pack
Halloween 6 Producer’s cut
Halloween H20
Rob Zombie’s Halloween unrated cut single disc and the two disc
Rob Zombie’s Halloween unrated 3 disc set
Rob Zombie’s Halloween II unrated

Does any one here collected the different realeses if so post em up and lets see what you got

This is what im trying to do…My parents always say dont you already have this?? Why do you need another one?? :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

mine sya the same thing i just ignor it!!!


Good collection!
