Hey guys, done this drawing few minutes ago. Hope you all like it!! :smiley:
Picture 009.jpg
just got done with this one right now.
Picture 012.jpg

Awesome drawing man!!! :finga: :smiley:

thx man!

Great job.I wish I could draw ā€¦

thx ya man!

You & me both! I can play almost any solo I hear if I listen to it enough - but I canā€™t draw an even halfass straight line no matter how many times I try :confused:

Love how they have that beginning-of-H20 feel to them! :smiley:

thx bro!

yeah i feel the h20 in the first one but not so much the 2nd one, it has that classic 78 tone to it! :smiley:

Great job, they look awesome :slight_smile:

I love drawing Myers. Not so much Jason, or any other horror character for that matter.

great drawings!love the head shot!Bridge try holy wars and tell me how you did.and you dont even gotta do mustaines parts just freidmans!lolā€¦One of my favorite alternating solos of all time.

thx dude! myers is the bomb when it comes to drawing.

thx man! :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing:

You just mentioned the opening song from one of my FAVORITE albums of all time. I ainā€™t saying I play those solos EXACTLY note for note, but I try to catch the key points - but to REALLY stump me, you gotta pull some old school EVH & Satriani like Ballistic can play :smiley: I wasnā€™t claiming to be a ā€œbadassā€ or anything, dude, just check out my website & youā€™ll see Iā€™m anything BUT a badass guitarist :wink:

EDIT I once owned a Friedman instructional video before he joined Megadeth - THAT sumbitch could always play!! :open_mouth: