My new collection lair progress pics

Hey guys.I finally got the motivation to unpack and start to situate the major bulk of the collection and I am happy with the way things are looking.This is a spare bedroom in our new home with a walk-in closet and I need every bit of the space to house my masks.RIDICULOUS!!! :lol:It’s still a bit disorganized. Anyway,let me know what you guys think and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful people.-Randy

WOW!!! Nice collection.

Looking good Randy! That KH steals the show bro (stuff that bad boy around the outer forehead, upper cheeks and temples a bit more and it will “pop” even more!) and I like the “underskin” you added to your RZH2, lots of stellar pieces right there. A collection to definitely be proud of.

Lookin good Randy! You have some great masks, among other things, there!! Cheers :drinkers:


wheew looks real good man!!
like the set up alot!
marcus :mrgreen:

Very nice! That’s a most impressive collection man :rock: :rock:
Jay Muzz

Bitchin collection! :rock:

Great Set-up!
Love the Psycho Shelf :wink:

The Halloween II display case looks Bad Ass.

Great to hear got yor display settled :slight_smile:
Must have been fun deciding where to display the mask :wink:
Love the H2 case by Scott!

nice collection :smiley:

:open_mouth: You have a bunch of top notch masks in there bro. Do you have two KH’s? :open_mouth:

Great collection and use of space!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Great collection Randy… :smiley:


That’s a nice collection you got there Randy, Love the KH.

great collection and beautiful kh/dw!!!

Thanks a lot brother.Nope,one KH at the moment. :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for all of the comments and compliments guys.Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

That’s some quality pieces you have.

nice setup and a killer collection bud!