wow, i dont even know what to say, its spectacular addison, amazing work, the in my opinion best rz to date, Z
wow man he really came out GREAT!!
love the weathering
That looks great bro. The hair is killin me tho haha.
sweet man. you did a great job on it bud. the hair looks the right lengh for the rz myers
MAN that thing is SWEEEEEET!
oh dam
guess i should start savin up…
wow!!! great work
Has a cool look to it, love the rotting/scars.
Obviously you mentioned you needed to work with the hair, but other than that, I’d just lose the strong green tones.
Great sculpt man!
how much for the prototype and how much for the ongoing masks?
This has to be one of the best RZ masks available.
How much are these going for?
that looks insane!!! the sculpt and paint is great but i agree on loseing the green and sticking with browns and yellows. awesome work!!!
the screenused mask has greens. i dont like the greens but they are there on the real thing.
thanks everyone!
these are 200 shipped in the U.S., 210 to Canada and 220 everywhere else.
I’ve been waiting to see what it would look like all done and it was just as i expected…
Pure awesomeness!
looks amazing i have pics i cant show and a few members on here seen them of the hero mask up close in good lighting and the mask does indeed have green over the cracks.great job man.i love it.tommy
Addison it’s better than i could have ever expected!!! I can’t wait until my proto arrives OUTSTANDING JOB!!!
not to sound like a jerk or claim anyone is wrong, awesome mask but where does it have green exactly? I checked the special features from RZ h1 and theres a few excellent up close shots of the mask and I see green nowhere. Just accurate yellows and browns

not to sound like a jerk or claim anyone is wrong, awesome mask but where does it have green exactly? I checked the special features from RZ h1 and theres a few excellent up close shots of the mask and I see green nowhere. Just accurate yellows and browns
there are pictures of the mask at a later date, not on the dvd, in regular lighting, and you can see the true colors. there are yellows, greens and browns on the cracks.
im not doubting you, you clearly used them for reference on that amazing sculpt. Care to share them??

im not doubting you, you clearly used them for reference on that amazing sculpt. Care to share them??
they were in my inbox and now i have lost the links, i will get them back and show you.