My new score...the Psycho

Justin Mabry at NIGHTOWL sent me my new score to Belgium!
hope you enjoy his pictures… he sent me
Thanks for looking
Nice sunday
Frank :wink:

:sunglasses: Great score man!

That copy has a badass paint job :astonished: :astonished:
Big congrats Frank :rock:

Cant go wrong with a PSYCHO !!!

Looks Awesome :sunglasses:

That’s a really nice copy congrats!

Great hair and weathering on that Psycho. Congrats on the score!

Hey Frank that is amazing looking. Looks really creepy like a psycho should :open_mouth: :prayer: :supz:

congrats on the score bro

That’s one bad mama-jama!
Congrats Man, can’t beat the Psycho.

Excellent score! The paint up & hair on that copy is tops.

Great Score indeed man…Thats a really nice copy…Man ive got to get me another Psycho…I think a collection is naked without one LoL…Congrats on the score bud…Later guys

Congratulations Franky Boy, a wonderful copy for sure.
very professional for sending you pictures of the finished product.

That’s a nice one. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much guys!!! :rock: :rock:
You have to be patient with Justin , but he allways reply’s and there is very good communication!
Hoping to have this baby fast, save & smooth at my doorsteps! :rolleyes:
take care, and BIG thanks
Frank :wink:

thats a bad ass copy man

i need to add one of those to my collection

Justin did a great job. That finish looks so natural. Really nice mask.

Very awsome psycho my friend.

Nice looking copy man.

The finishing and hair looks like his 2005 run.Thats a killer copy.This and the ROTS warlock all within a week.Congrats man…

Great score bro…That copy looks great…congrats… :finga:
