my new score

Hi, my new rzh2 mask came today, it is very nice but there was one problem, it had a horrible smell inside :laughing: so i spray painted the inside with white paint, i would rather smell spray paint than that horrid latex smell. sorry, can’t post pics yet, just waiting for my camera usb wire to arrive then i will post pics :wink:

you prob shouldnt have “spray painted” the inside

ive got to ask, how many brand new masks have you bought? every mask has a certain latex smell to it which usually fades over time.
thats one thing ive always loved about getting a new mask is that “new mask smell” :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah man! I love the smell of a new mask. HSS is the best! I have to ask though…even the strongest smelling latex is sweet-rubbery…how bad could this have been? maybe the prior owner kept it somewhere shitty. i once scored beauty of a mask but it stunk like cigarettes.

don’t worry people, it isn’t exactly an excellent quality mask anyway, nowhere near the propshop. Infact the hair is like a wig but stuck on. Trust me though, this latex almost made me heve when i was wearing it. It is only that h2 mask off ebay. i am shaw you have all seen it, from hong kong, you will know when i post pics. I know spraying it wasn’t the best thing to do, lol :laughing: but i like the smell of paint alot more than that horrid smell. trust me, i’m with ya on that one about loving masks’ unique smells but this was something else lol. but it is done now and i like it. :smiley:

Cool, I’ve been wanting to see one of these for ages. I look forward to your pics mate.

do you know which mask i am talking about then? don’t worry pics will come as soon as i can! :smiley:

Yes, the cheap H2 style mask from ‘Hong Kong’. How long did it take to arrive? Do you like it? They were reduced to £15 after Halloween. I thought they were cheap at £30, but £15 is a bargain, unless it looks awful I guess lol.

nope, looks awesome imo, especially for the price. i actually got mine for £30, lol. it honestly took like 6 days to arrive, couldn’t believe it. it is supposed to be 7- 15 days! i also ordered another mask from hong kong before i ordered this and this came first! Also because the hair is like a wig glued on, it doesn’t come out easily like don posts. I recommend anyone to get it. Also, the latex must be pretty good because it came very flat packed, the package was small, but there isn’t one crease on it! :smiley:

thats one thing ive always loved about getting a new mask is that “new mask smell” :stuck_out_tongue:[/quote]
better than a new car smell